Thursday, 24 October 2013

The Prisoner

The Prisoner
After a three week process of planning, shooting and editing I have finally completed my video for 'The Prisoner'. As I included a lot more people in this video than I have in the past there was more of a pressure on me to complete it as they all wanted to see the final edit. Of course they are unaware of how long it takes to edit and thought I would have had it done after one lesson of editing. I'm actually really pleased with how it turned out even though there are little things I wish I had noticed or thought about when filming. There are a few issues with continuity and filming was rushed towards the end as I was aware that it could have started to get dark especially as it was just a cloudy and rainy day. The Prisoner was our first task that included narrative and the camera's microphone isn't that good at picking up sound unless it is background noise which affected the quality of the valuable audio.
i had issues trying to upload in lesson so Sir posted it to his Vimeo page. 

Here is the link to my 'The Prisoner' attempt! Hope you enjoy it :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've posted your video on my blog.

    00:00 - I like the opening establishing shot.
    00:11 - Good use of titles. Also, some good editing between shoots
    00:19 - Good attempt at a tracking shot, although a little jerky; might be better to try and fabricate some sort of dolly (would depend upon having something fairly heavy and with wheels as well as having a reasonable flat surface. I do rather like the slight arc you've included
    00:27 - The close-ups are a good choice, although again the camera is a little too mobile; for this to be fully effective, you really need a more stable platform for your camera
    00:44 - I would have included a longer fade through black to denote the transition between the titles and the main film
    00:53 - Some good composition of the shots with the girl walking through the woods, although you might have wanted to vary the shot distances a little more
    00:58 - I like the composition of this shot, with the trees
    01:10 - You might need to check the focus/ clean the lens, since a couple of shots seem to be quite blurry?
    01:18 - I do like the overhead shot here; you manage to get it to be quite smooth
    01:27 - The fade out on Calum's character is a little fast here. I would have been tempted to just cut to the shot in the car
    01:34 - One thing to conisder here is the auto-focus. The first few seconds of this shot are out of focus until the camera works out what you are actually focusing on. You might have edited a little later to lose the out-of-focus bit
    01:50 - The editing of the car turning into the yard is very good
    01:58 - Again, some very good composition. You have a slight issue with sound (when the close-up on Calum exiting the car happens, the sound of the car suddenly drops in; it's a little jarring)
    02:04 - Good range of shots and tight editing here, particularly the cut from C/U to L/S with the opening of the gate
    02:24 - This is a very good shot indeed
    02:38 - You don't need the fade here. Also, the mise-en-scene is a little odd (for example, the notice about holidays) although the lighting is quite good
    02:42 - Some good compositon, although the audio is a little glitchy (listen to the change in background noise) and the camera-work on the two-shot is a little wobbly
    02:46 - There is a rather odd tilt here. When you cut to Calum in MCU, you've broken the 180degree rule (but don't worry about this - you've not been taught it yet! I'll explain after half-term)
    03:02 - You've got some good composition here, particularly the CU on the girl. However, there is a slight loss of continuity in terms of the punch (one would expect to see something of a reaction to this from the girl)

    This is a very good piece - you've used a wide range of shots and angles and there are examples of some tight editing. I'm impressed with your use of locations and the effort you went into with costume and ambition. This bodes very well for your final piece - well done

  3. Thanks for the feedback Sir :)
